Lower School
Chapel * STEAM * Service Projects * Project Based Learning * Natural Playscape
Music * Foreign Language * Art * Library * Physical Education * Neuronet
For seventy years, young students have celebrated the continuation of a rare and special learning journey at Boyd Buchanan Lower School. An interdisciplinary, child-centered approach is the cornerstone of our learning community. Students are afforded the opportunity to strive, succeed, and flourish in a Christ-centered environment.
Students participate in daily Bible lessons/devotionals and weekly chapel experiences. Monthly service projects encourage our students to serve others with the heart of Jesus. Our desire is to lead students to love God and others.
Through project-based learning, students work collaboratively, solve problems, and think critically. Our faculty uses innovative instruction to nurture an engaging, academic environment which promotes creative student-centered learning. Academic experiences are enriched through student-created projects such as:
Art Museum
Kindergarten Circus
Musical productions
Authors’ Tea
Colonial Day
Farmers’ Market
Each day we are committed to our students entering and leaving Boyd Buchanan feeling loved, safe, empowered, and successful.