Upper School
In the Boyd Buchanan Upper School, students are working closely with teachers and peers within a challenging curriculum that balances required courses with elective offerings. BBS Upper School students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character development necessary to be productive Christian leaders in the community. We believe that students learn best when they are actively engaged in purposeful and appropriately challenging lessons structured by educators who are experts in the content area and who truly care about them as children of God.
The relationships formed allow BBS teachers to make content more relevant for students and help to cultivate a safe learning environment where students are comfortable taking intellectual risks necessary for deeper understanding of concepts. From daily Bible classes, weekly Chapels, mission trips and local service projects, Upper School students are encouraged to grow spiritually and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
With the support of their teachers, coaches, advisors, and administrators, BBS Upper School students graduate ready to make the world a better place. It is my hope that this Upper School journey is a blessing to each student.
Mrs. Hood
Upper School Division Head